
Mit unserer Forschung möchten wir einen nachhaltigen Beitrag zur Wissenschaft leisten. Dabei befasst sich unsere Forschung mit einer breiten Palette an aktuellen Themen: Consumer Based Strategy, Digitalisierung, Erfolgsfaktorenforschung, Kundenbeziehungsmanagement, Markenmanagement und Nachhaltigkeit.


Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006
Number of items at this level: 117.


Matzinger, Jonathan Tim; Ammann, Clemens Luis; Näpfli, Salome Nina; Krohmer, Harley (February 2024). The Double-Edged Sword of Brand Purpose in Times of Criticism: Fostering a Protective Halo and Precipitating Expectations (Unpublished). In: AMA.


Matzinger, Jonathan Tim; Ammann, Clemens Luis; Krohmer, Harley; Hediger, Andreas; Näpfli, Salome Nina (26 May 2023). Investigating the True Effect of Corporate Reputation on Firm Performance Disentangling the Measurement Jungle (Unpublished). In: EMAC.


Giuffredi-Kähr, Andrea; Petrova, Alisa; Malär, Lucia (2022). Sponsorship Disclosure of Influencers – A Curse or a Blessing? Journal of Interactive Marketing, 57(1), pp. 18-34. Sage 10.1177/10949968221075686

Ehrensperger, Elena; Greenberg, Daria; Krohmer, Harley; Nagel, Felix; Hoyer, Wayne; Zhang, Z. John (2022). Succeeding in competitive arenas with arena-relevant marketing capabilities. European journal of marketing, 56(2), pp. 321-350. Emerald 10.1108/EJM-09-2019-0703


Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus M.; Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, Z. John (2021). A de-biased direct question approach to measuring consumers' willingness to pay. International journal of research in marketing, 38(1), pp. 70-84. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2020.04.006


Ammann, Clemens Luis; Giuffredi-Kähr, Andrea; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne David (27 May 2020). A Typology of Consumer Brand Defenders: When Egoists, Justice Fighters and Brand Fans Defend your Brand (Unpublished). In: European Marketing Academy 2020 Annual Conference. Budapest, Hungary. 26.-29.05.2020.

Morhart, Felicitas; Malär, Lucia (2020). Authenticity in luxury branding. In: Morhart, Felicitas; Wilcox, Keith; Czellar, Sandor (eds.) Research handbook on luxury branding (pp. 190-207). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781786436351.00023

Ammann, Clemens Luis; Giuffredi-Kähr, Andrea; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne David (14 February 2020). A Typology of Consumer Brand Defenders (Unpublished). In: 2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference. San Diego, CA. 14.-16.02.2020.

Petrova, Alisa; Malär, Lucia Andrea; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne David; Khamitov, Mansur (February 2020). Creepiness in Personalized Online Advertising (Unpublished). In: American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference. San Diego, CA. 14.-16.02.2020.

Ehrensperger, Elena; Erkhova, Daria; Yadavalli, Aparna; Krohmer, Harley (2020). What really matters for startups in luxury: entrepreneurial luxury excellence. Journal of research in marketing and entrepreneurship, 22(1), pp. 37-63. Emerald Publishing 10.1108/JRME-03-2019-0020

Malär, Lucia; Khamitov, Mansur; Giuffredi-Kähr, Andrea (2020). The Dirty Thirty of Brand Personality: Narcissistic, Machiavellian, and Psychopathic Brands. In: ASSOCIATION FOR CONSUMER RESEARCH.


Schellong, Margarete; Kraiczy, Nils D.; Malär, Lucia; Hack, Andreas (2019). Family Firm Brands, Perceptions of Doing Good, and Consumer Happiness. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 43(5), pp. 921-946. Wiley 10.1177/1042258717754202

Ammann, Clemens Luis; Kähr, Andrea; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne David (22 August 2019). Brand Defense durch die Community – Wenn Konsumenten und Konsumentinnen Marken verteidigen (Unpublished). In: Schweizer Online Marketing Konferenz. Bern. 22.08.2019.

Stöckli, Sabrina; Höchli, Bettina; Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude Mathias (21 June 2019). Improving Personality-Mining Algorithms Used for Psychological Targeting with a Psychometric Scale for Susceptibility to Social Influence (Unpublished). In: INFORMS Marketing Science Conference. Roma, Italy. 20.-22.06.2019.

Erkhova, Daria; Ehrensperger, Elena; Krohmer, Harley (28 May 2019). Digitization of Customer Experience in Luxury (Unpublished). In: 48th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy. 28.05.2019-31.05.2019.

Petrova, Alisa; Malär, Lucia Andrea; Krohmer, Harley; Khamitov, Mansur; Hoyer, Wayne David (17 May 2019). Creepiness in personalized online marketing: Concept, measurement, and consequences (Unpublished). In: Theory + Practice in Marketing. Columbia University, New York, NY. May 16-18, 2019.

Ammann, Clemens Luis; Kähr, Andrea; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne David (May 2019). What Drives Consumers to Defend Your Brand Against Criticism? Egoistic versus Altruistic Motives (Unpublished). In: 48th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy. Hamburg. 28.-31. May 2019.

Petrova, Alisa; Kähr, Andrea; Malär, Lucia Andrea; Hauert, Dominik (24 February 2019). Ad Transparency in Influencer Marketing: A Curse or A Blessing? (Unpublished). In: American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference. Austin, TX. 22.-24.02.2019.


Kähr, Andrea; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne D. (13 October 2018). When Consumer Brand Sabotage Harms Other Consumers' Relationship with the Brand (Unpublished). In: The 2018 Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research. Dallas, TX. 11. - 14.10.2018.

Erkhova, Daria; Ehrensperger, Elena; Krohmer, Harley; Schulte-Mecklenbeck, Michael (11 October 2018). The Phenomenon of Brand Noise and Related Consumer Preferences in the Luxury Industry (Unpublished). In: The 2018 Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research. Dallas, TX. 11.10.2018-14.10.2018.

Petrova, Alisa; Kähr, Andrea; Malär, Lucia Andrea; Stucki, Nadine (29 May 2018). Influencer Marketing: When and Why Does Ad Disclosure Matter? (Unpublished). In: EMAC. Glasgow. 29.05.-01.06.2018.

Ehrensperger, Elena; Erkhova, Daria; Yadavalli, Aparna (12 April 2018). What really matters for startups in luxury: Entrepreneurial luxury excellence (Unpublished). In: The Monaco Symposium on Luxury 2018. Monte-Carlo, Monaco. 12.04.2018-13.04.2018.

Malär, Lucia Andrea; Herzog, Daniela; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne David; Kähr, Andrea (2018). The Janus Face of Ideal Self-Congruence : Benefits for the Brand versus Emotional Distress for the Consumer. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3(2), pp. 163-174. University of Chicago Press 10.1086/697080

Nyffenegger, Bettina; Kähr, Andrea; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne D. (2018). How Should Retailers Deal with Consumer Sabotage of a Manufacturer Brand? Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3(3), pp. 379-395. University of Chicago Press 10.1086/698875


Kähr, Andrea; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne (27 October 2017). Consumer Brand Sabotage : When and Why Does it Cause Damage among Consumers? (Unpublished). In: Association for Consumer Research Conference. San Diego, California. 26.-29.10.2017.

Nyffenegger, Bettina; Kähr, Andrea (18 August 2017). Erste Untersuchung zu Markensabotage : wenn der Kunde zum Feind wird. Werbewoche Media-Daten

Kähr, Andrea; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne (22 June 2017). How Should Retailers Respond to Consumer Brand Sabotage? (Unpublished). In: Conference accompanying the special issue of the JACR on the Consumer Response to the Evolving Retailing Landscape. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 22.-23.06.2017.

Nyffenegger, Bettina; Kähr, Andrea (2017). Das Phänomen der Markensabotage. OTX World : das unabhängige Magazin für den Rx- und OTC-Markt in der Schweiz, 139, pp. 16-17. Sanatrend AG


Kähr, Andrea; Casanova, Marco; Heri, Patrick; Krohmer, Harley (24 May 2016). Response Strategies to Negative Electronic Word-of-Mouth and Marketing Performance: The Moderating Role of Message Credibility (Unpublished). In: EMAC 2016. Oslo. 24.-27.05.2016.

Kähr, Andrea; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne David (18 May 2016). Consumer Brand Sabotage – Phenomenon and Managerial Challenges (Unpublished). In: BBR Conference 2016. Toronto. 18.-20.05.2016.

Kähr, Andrea; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne David (2016). When Hostile Consumers Wreak Havoc on Your Brand: The Phenomenon of Consumer Brand Sabotage. Journal of marketing, 80(3), pp. 25-41. American Marketing Association. 10.1509/jm.15.0006

Morhart, Felicitas; Malär, Lucia Andrea (2016). Markenauthentizität: Konzeption, Messung und Steuerung. In: Esch, F.-R. (ed.) Handbuch Markenführung. Springer Reference Wirtschaft (pp. 1-15). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 10.1007/978-3-658-13361-0_58-1


Herzog, Daniela; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Buffat, Marcel; Neuenschwander, René (May 2015). Understanding E-Bike Users' Behaviour, Motives, and Barriers to the Use - An Empirical Study with high Potential for Mobility Management. In: European Conference on Mobility Management. Utrecht (NL). 20.-22.05.2015.

Morhart, Felicitas; Malär, Lucia; Guèvremont, Amélie; Girardin, Florent; Grohmann, Bianca (2015). Brand Authenticity: An Integrative Framework and Measurement Scale. Journal of consumer psychology, 25(2), pp. 200-218. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jcps.2014.11.006

Herzog, Daniela; Malär, Lucia; Krohmer, Harley (26 February 2015). “Therapeutic Advertising”: When Do Female Consumers Really Benefit? In: The 2015 SCP Winter Conference. Phoenix. 26.-28.02.2015.

Morhart, Felicitas; Malär, Lucia; Girardin, Florent; Guèvremont, Amélie; Grohmann, Bianca (26 February 2015). Brand Authenticity: An Integrative Framework and Measurement Scale. In: The 2015 SCP Winter Conference.. Phoenix. 26.-28.02.2015.

Nyffenegger, Bettina; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne D.; Malär, Lucia (2015). Service Brand Relationship Quality: Hot or Cold? Journal of Service Research, 18(1), pp. 90-106. Sage 10.1177/1094670514547580


Malär, Lucia; Morhart, Felicitas; Girardin, Florent; Guèvremont, Amélie; Grohmann, Bianca (3 June 2014). Dear Brand, Please Help me to Become a True-Man Out of the Truman: The Role of Brand Authenticity. In: 43rd EMAC Conference. Valencia, Spain. 03.-06.06.2014.

Herzog, Daniela; Malär, Lucia; Krohmer, Harley; Nyffenegger, Bettina (June 2014). Psychological distance of consumers’ selves: reality vs. ideals. In: 43rd EMAC Annual Conference: Paradigm shifts & Interactions. Valencia, Spain. 03.06.-06.06. 2014.

Gustova, Elena; Leuenberger, Dinah; Krohmer, Harley (2014). Cross-Cultural Differences in Luxury Consumption: an Empirical Comparison between Japanese and Swiss Consumers. In: 2014 Monaco Symposium on Luxury. Monaco. 10.04.-11.04.2014.


Krohmer, Harley; Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus (2013). Exakte Messung der Zahlungsbereitschaft von Kunden als Erfolgsfaktor des Preismanagements. In: Kisgen, Stefanie; Dresen, Anne; Faix, Werner G. (eds.) International Management (pp. 645-662). Stuttgart: Steinbeis-Edition

Girardin, Florent; Guèvremont, Amélie; Morhart, Felicitas; Malär, Lucia; Grohmann, Bianca (February 2013). Brand Authenticity: an Integrative Framework. In: AMA Winter Educators' Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 15.-17.02.2013.

Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus; Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, John (2013). How Do Consumer Characteristics Affect the Bias in Measuring Willingness to Pay for Innovative Products? Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(5), pp. 1042-1053. Wiley 10.1111/jpim.12040


Blatter, David; Hofstetter, Reto; Krohmer, Harley; Miller, Klaus; Zhang, John (2012). Price Raise Or Quantity Decrease: Choosing The Optimal Price Increase Strategy For Consumer Goods. In: Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators' Conference 2012 23. Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Malär, Lucia; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne (2012). Implementing an intended brand personality: a dyadic perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(5), pp. 728-744. New York, N.Y.: Springer 10.1007/s11747-011-0251-8

Miller, Klaus; Hofstetter, Reto; Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, John (2012). Measuring Consumers' Willingness to Pay. Which Method fits best? GFK Marketing Intelligence Review, 4(1), pp. 42-49. De Gruyter

Wittwer, Dimitri; Malär, Lucia; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Grohmann, Bianca; Krohmer, Harley (2012). Measuring the Cult Status of Brands. Conceptual Considerations and Scale Development. In: Proceedings of the 41th European Marketing Academy Conference EMAC. Lissabon. 22.-25.05.2012.


Malär, Lucia; Krohmer, Harley; Hoyer, Wayne; Nyffenegger, Bettina (2011). Emotional Brand Attachment and Brand Personality: The Relative Importance of the Actual and the Ideal Self. Journal of marketing, 75(4), pp. 35-52. Chicago, Ill.: American Marketing Association. 10.1509/jmkg.75.4.35

Wittwer, Dimitri; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Malär, Lucia; Krohmer, Harley (2011). How to Position Brands to Attract Narcissistic Consumers: Authentic versus Aspirational Branding. In: Proceedings of the 40th EMAC Conference, 24.-27.5.2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Blatter, David; Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus; Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, John (2011). Downsizing the Product or Increasing the Price: Consumer Reactions to Price Increase Strategies. In: Proceedings of the 40th EMAC Conference, 24.-25.5.2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Blatter, David; Miller, Klaus (2011). Divide or Unite? Consumers' Evaluations of Partitioned and Allinclusive Pricing Strategies. In: Proceedings of the 2011 AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, 5.-7.8.2011, San Francisco, USA. Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Krohmer, Harley; Miller, Klaus (2011). Grundlegende Preisinstrumente im B2B. In: Homburg, Christian; Totzek, Dirk (eds.) Preismanagement auf Business-to-Business-Märkten (pp. 105-126). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag

Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, Z. John; Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus (2011). How Should Consumers’ Willingness to Pay Be Measured? An Empirical Comparison of State-of-the-Art Approaches. Journal of Marketing Research, 48(1), pp. 172-184. American Marketing Association 10.1509/jmkr.48.1.172


Leschnikowski, Katja (2010). Authenticity in Advertising. Design and Success Factors. Norderstedt: Books on Demand

Nyffenegger, Bettina (2010). Consumer-Brand Relationships: How Consumers Perceive, Evaluate and Relate to Brands. Norderstedt: Books on Demand

Pomi, Bénédicte; Malär, Lucia (2010). Der Einfluss von Marken auf Kinder und Jugendliche. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller

Malär, Lucia; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Grohmann, B.; Krohmer, Harley (2010). Characteristics of Cult Brands. In: Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Miller, Klaus (2010). Was ist der Kunde bereit zu zahlen? Sales Drive - das Hörmagazin für den professionellen Vertrieb St. Gallen: Institut für Marketing

Nyffenegger, Bettina; Malär, Lucia; Krohmer, Harley (2010). Performance Implications of Consumers' Emotional and Cognitive Relationship with Brands: A Differentiated View on Brand Relationship Quality. In: Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, 1.-4.6.2010, Copenhagen, Denmark. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Malär, Lucia; Nyffenegger, Bettina (2010). Managing Brand Personality: Antecedents and Consequences (Unpublished). In: Proceedings of the 6th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management. Lugano. 18.-20. April 2010.

Malär, Lucia; Nyffenegger, Bettina; Krohmer, Harley (2010). Brand Personality Implementation. In: Proceedings of the 6th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, 18.-20. April 2010, Lugano, Switzerland.

Nyffenegger, Bettina; Malär, Lucia; Krohmer, Harley (2010). Beliefs and Feelings in Consumer-Brand Relationships: Two Components of Brand Relationship Quality. In: Proceedings of the 6th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, 18.-20. April 2010, Lugano, Switzerland.

Nyffenegger, Bettina; Malär, Lucia; Krohmer, Harley (2010). Performance Implications of Emotional versus Cognitive Brand Relationship Quality: An Empirical Study of Frequent Flyers in the Airline Industry. In: Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators' Conference, 19.-22.2.2010, New Orleans, USA. Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Blatter, David; Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus (2010). Improving the Direct Estimation of Demand by Adjusting for Incorrect Price-Statements. In: Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators' Conference 2010, 19.-22.2.2010, New Orleans, Louisiana/USA. Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Krohmer, Harley; Leschnikowski, Katja (2010). The Consumer's Judgment of and Response to Emotional Authenticity - A Qualitative Study. In: Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, 1.-4.6.2010, Copenhagen, Denmark. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Leschnikowski, Katja; Krohmer, Harley (2010). The Consumer's Perception of the Emotional Authenticity of an Advertising Spokesperson - Theoretical Discussion and Qualitative Study. In: Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators' Conference 2010 (Branding and Communication competitive track), 19.-22.2.2010, New Orleans, Louisiana/USA. Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA


Homburg, Christian; Kuester, Sabine; Krohmer, Harley (2009). Marketing Management: A Contemporary Perspective. New York: McGraw-Hill

Homburg, Christian; Krohmer, Harley (2009). Grundlagen des Marketingmanagements. Einführung in Strategie, Instrumente Umsetzung und Unternehmensführung [Textbook] . Wiesbaden: Gabler

Wiederkehr, Myriam; Nyffenegger, Bettina (2009). Du entscheidest, was Kult ist. Entstehung und Beeinflussung von Kultmarken. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller

Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus (2009). Precision Pricing. Measuring consumers' willingness to pay accurately. Norderstedt: Books on Demand

Weispfenning, Felix (2009). Leadership in marketing, sales and retailing. An implementation perspective. Hamburg: Kovac

Malär, Lucia (2009). Performance implications and implementation of brand personality. A dyadic perspective on managers intentions and consumers perceptions. Merkur. Schriften zum innovativen Marketing-Management: Vol. 34. Hamburg: Kovac

Haas, Alexander (2009). Kann zu viel Kundenorientierung nachteilig sein? Eine Analyse der Wirkung der Kundenorientierung von Verkäufern auf die Kaufentscheidung. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft ZfB, 79(1), pp. 7-30. Berlin: SP Gabler Verlag 10.1007/s11573-009-0009-7

Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus (2009). Bessere Preisentscheidungen durch Messung der Zahlungsbereitschaft. Marketing Review St. Gallen - die neue Thexis, 26(5), pp. 32-37. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Miller, Klaus; Hofstetter, Reto; Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, John (2009). How should we measure consumers' willingness to pay? An empirical comparison of State-of-the-Art approaches. In: Proceedings of the AMA 2009 Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, 7.-10.8.2009, Chicago. Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Miller, Klaus; Hofstetter, Reto; Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, John (2009). How should we measure consumers' willingness to pay? An Empirical comparison of State-of-the-Art approaches. In: Proceedings of the 38th EMAC Annual Conference, 26.-29.5.2009, Nantes. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Miller, Klaus; Hofstetter, Reto; Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, John (2009). Who should we ask when measuring consumers' willingness to pay for product innovations? In: Proceedings of the 38th EMAC Annual Conference, 26.-29. Mai 2009, Nantes. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Blatter, David; Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus; Krohmer, Harley (2009). Improving the direct estimation of demand by adjusting for incorrect price-statements. In: Proceedings of the 38th EMAC Annual Conference, 26.-29.5.2009, Nantes. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus; Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, John (2009). How should we ask when measuring consumers' willingness to pay for product innovations. In: Proceedings of the AMA 2009 Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, 7.-10.8.2009, Chicago. Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Krohmer, Harley; Malär, Lucia; Hoyer, Wayne; Nyffenegger, Bettina (2009). The fit between brand personality and consumers' self. The importance of actual versus ideal self for brand performance. In: Proceedings of the AMA 2009 Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, 20.-23.2.2009, Tampa, Florida. Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Krohmer, Harley; Malär, Lucia; Hoyer, Wayne; Nyffenegger, Bettina (2009). Key success factors in the implementation of an intended brand personality. A Dyadic perspective. In: Proceedings of the AMA 2009 Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, 20.-23.2.2009, Tampa, Florida. Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Weissbrich, Dirk; Krohmer, Harley; Jensen, Ove (2009). The marketing-sales-finance triangel. In: Proceedings of the AMA 2009 Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, 20.-23.2.2009, Tampa, Florida. Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Haas, Alexander; Krohmer, Harley; Weispfenning, Felix (2009). Sales leadership effectiveness. Meta-analysis and assessment of causal effects. In: Proceedings of the AMA 2009 Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, 20.-23.2.2009, Tampa, Florida. Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Haas, Alexander (2009). Understanding Relationship Marketing and Negotiation in a Globalized World, Selling & Sales Management SIG's Special Session "Internationalizing Selling and Relationship Marketing: Important Topics and Expanding Research Teams", AMA 2009 Winter Educators Conference "Excellence in Marketing Research. Striving for Impact", 23. Februar 2009.


Homburg, Christian; Klarmann, M; Krohmer, Harley (2008). Statistische Grundlagen der Datenanalyse. In: Herrmann, Andreas (ed.) Handbuch Marktforschung (pp. 213-240). Wiesbaden: Gabler

Homburg, Christian; Jensen, Ove; Krohmer, Harley (2008). Configurations of Marketing and Sales: A Taxonomy. Journal of marketing, 72(2), pp. 133-154. Chicago, Ill.: American Marketing Association. 10.1509/jmkg.72.2.133

Leschnikowski, Katja; Krohmer, Harley (2008). Performance Implications of Celebrity Endorsers - How an Image Fit between the Celebrity and the Brand affects an Image Transfer. In: Perks, Keith J.; Shukla, Paurav (eds.) Marketing Landscapes: A Pause for Thought, Proceedings of the 37th EMAC Conference, Brighton, UK, 27.-30.5.2008 ([1-13]). Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Miller, Klaus; Krohmer, Harley; Hofstetter, Reto (2008). When Can We Measure Willingness to Pay Directly? An Empirical Study on the Role of Consumers Involvement in the Direct Elicitation of Reservation Prices. In: Proceedings of the AMA 2008 Winter Educators' Conference, Marketing the Organization and its Products and Services, Austin, 15.-18.2.2008 (pp. 418-419). Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Homburg, Christian; Krohmer, Harley (2008). Der Prozess der Marktforschung: Festlegung der Datenerhebungsmethode, Stichprobenbildung und Fragebogengestaltung. In: Herrmann, Andreas; Homburg, Christian; Klarmann, Martin (eds.) Handbuch Marktforschung (pp. 21-52). Wiesbaden: Gabler

Cetin, Mayk; Miller, Klaus (2008). Kundennutzenkommunikation - Strategien zur Steigerung der Zahlungsbereitschaft von Konsumenten. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller

Haas, Alexander; Kenning, Peter (2008). Flattery's Curse: How Customer-Oriented Selling Affects Short-Term Customer Satisfaction and Decision to Buy. In: Proceedings of the 2008 AMA Winter Marketing Educators Conference: Marketing the Organization and Its Products and Services, Austin, 15.-18.2.2008 (pp. 108-109). Briarcliff Manor, New York: Academy of Management

Haas, Alexander; Kenning, Peter (2008). Beeinflusst das Produkt die Beratungsinanspruchnahme im Handel? Marketing - Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis ZFP, 30(4), pp. 195-206. München: C.H. Beck

Haas, Alexander (2008). Customer orientation of employees: Review and research suggestions. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft ZfB, 78(10), pp. 1061-1100. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s11573-008-0112-1


Weissbrich, Dirk; Krohmer, Harley; Miller, Klaus (2007). Integrating and Extending our Understanding of the Marketing-Finance Interface and its Performance Implications. In: Moor, Jakki; Fisher, Robert (eds.) Proceedings of the AMA 2007 Summer Marketing Educators' Conference: Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing, Washington D.C., USAWashington D.C., USA (pp. 132-134). Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Weissbrich, Dirk; Miller, Klaus; Krohmer, Harley (2007). The Marketing-Finance Interface: An Integrative Conceptual Framework and Performance Implications. In: Engilbertsson, Halldor Ö. (ed.) Flexible Marketing in an unpredictable World. Proceedings of the 36th EMAC Conference, Reykjavik, 22.-25.5.2007 ([1-15]). Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Weispfenning, Felix; Krohmer, Harley; Meier, Helena (2007). Leadership in Marketing: Specific Challenges and Managerial Action. In: Engilbertsson, Halldor Ö. (ed.) Flexible Marketing in an unpredictable World. Proceedings of the 36th EMAC Conference, Reykjavik, 22.-25.5.2007 ([1-13]). Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Krohmer, Harley; Leschnikowski, Katja; Hofstetter, Reto (2007). The Importance of Consumer Ethnocentrism for International Marketing: Conceptual Discussion and Results of a Cross-Cultural Study. In: Engilbertsson, Halldor Ö. (ed.) Flexible Marketing in an unpredictable World. Proceedings of the 36th EMAC Conference, Reykjavik, 22.-25.5.2007. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Krohmer, Harley; Malär, Lucia; Nyffenegger, Bettina (2007). The Fit Between Brand Personality and Consumer's Self: The Importance of Self-Congruence for Brand Performance. In: Dixon, Andrea L.; Machleit, Karen A. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2007 AMA Winter Educators' Conference: Marketing Theory and Applications, 16.-19. February 2007 (pp. 172-173). Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Haas, Alexander; Kenning, Peter (2007). How Customer-Oriented Selling Affects Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Behaviour. In: Engilbertsson, Halldor Ö. (ed.) Flexible Marketing in an unpredictable World. Proceedings of the 36th EMAC Conference, Reykjavik, 22.-25.5.2007 ([1-12]). Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Haas, Alexander (2007). Beeinflussen das Verkäufer- und das Kundengeschlecht die Kundenorientierung von Verkäufern? Eine Analyse auf der Ebene der Dimensionen des Verkäuferverhaltens. Die Unternehmung : Swiss journal of business research and practice, 61(1), pp. 25-42. Versus, Zürich

Krohmer, Harley; Stock-Homburg, Ruth (2007). Internationale Markenstandardisierung: Ganz oder Gar nicht? Eine Untersuchung nicht-monotoner Wirkungsbeziehungen. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft ZfB, 77(10), pp. 1065-1091. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s11573-007-0320-0

Haas, Alexander (2007). Hängen die Wirkungen des kundenorientierten Verkaufens von der Kombination von Kunden- und Verkäufergeschlecht ab? Die Betriebswirtschaft : DBW, 67(5), pp. 563-582. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel

Leschnikowski, Katja; De Pasquale, Claudia (2007). Models in der Werbung. Eine empirische Untersuchung. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller

Miller, Klaus; Kertész, Oliver (2007). Markenwert in der Automobilindustrie. Weiterempfehlungsbereitschaft und Preispremiumakzeptanz steigern. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller


Haas, Alexander (2006). Wie wirkt das kundenorientierte Verkaufen auf die Kundenzufriedenheit mit der Beratung? Eine Analyse unter Berücksichtigung der Interaktionen zwischen den Dimensionen des Verkäuferverhaltens. Marketing - Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis ZFP, 28(4), pp. 236-246. München: C.H. Beck

Haas, Alexander (2006). Bestimmungsfaktoren des Beratungserfolges: Eine informationsökonomische Betrachtung und empirische Analyse im Handel. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung(August), pp. 638-664. Düsseldorf: Verl.-Gruppe Handelsblatt

Krohmer, Harley; Weispfenning, Felix (2006). Führung in Marketing und Vertrieb. In: Zaugg, Robert J. (ed.) Handbuch Kompetenzmanagement. Durch Kompetenz nachhaltig Werte schaffen. Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Norbert Thom zum 60. Geburtstag (pp. 263-270). Bern: Haupt

Homburg, Christian; Krohmer, Harley (2006). Grundlagen des Marketingmanagements: Einführung in Strategie, Instrumente, Umsetzung und Unternehmensführung [Textbook] . Wiesbaden: Gabler

Leschnikowski, Katja (2006). Celebrity Endorsers: Die Wirkung der Passfähigkeit zwischen Prominentem und Marke. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller

Weissbrich, Dirk (2006). Produktvorankündigungen: Grundlagen, Wirksamkeit, Management. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller

Krohmer, Harley; Miller, Klaus; Hofstetter, Reto (2006). Measuring Consumers' Willingness to Pay with the Contingent Valuation Approach. In: Grewal, Dhruv; Levy, Michael; Krishnan, R. (eds.) Proceedings of the AMA 2007 Summer Marketing Educators' Conference: Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing (pp. 314-315). Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Krohmer, Harley; Malaer, Lucia; Nyffenegger, Bettina (2006). The Interaction Between a Brand's Personality and Its Consumers: Performance Implications and Implementation Issues. In: Avlonitis, George J.; Papavassiliou, Nicholas; Papastathopoulou, Paulina (eds.) Sustainable Marketing Leadership. A Synthesis of Polymorphous Axioms, Strategies and Tactics, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC Conference, Athens, 23.-26.5.2006. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Leschnikowski, Katja; Schweizer, Markus; Drengner, Jan (2006). Celebrities as Image Conditioner for Brands? An Empirical Study Based on the Match-Up Hypothesis. In: Johnson, Jean L.; Hulland, John (eds.) Proceedings of the 2006 AMA Winter Educators' Conference: Marketing Theory and Applications (pp. 7-8). Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Miller, Klaus; Krohmer, Harley; Hofstetter, Reto (2006). Eliciting Consumers' Willingness to Pay with Self-Explicated Approaches: Conceptual Discussion and Empirical Study. In: Avlonitis, George J.; Papavassiliou, Nicholas; Papastathopoulou, Paulina (eds.) Sustainable Marketing Leadership. A Synthesis of Polymorphous Axioms, Strategies and Tactics, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC Conference, Athens, 23.-26.5.2006. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Weispfenning, Felix; Krohmer, Harley; Weissbrich, Dirk (2006). Antecedents of Perceived Store Price Level: An Integrated Model. In: Avlonitis, George J.; Papavassiliou, Nicholas; Papastathopoulou, Paulina (eds.) Sustainable Marketing Leadership. A Synthesis of Polymorphous Axioms, Strategies and Tactics, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC Conference, Athens, 23.-26.5.2006. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Weissbrich, Dirk; Weispfenning, Felix (2006). Management of Store Price Images: How to Lever Store Price Image Without Actually Adjusting Prices. In: ECR International Commerce Institute Europe, Stockholm 2006 ([1-13]). Internetpublikation

Homburg, Christian; Krohmer, Harley (2006). Marketingmanagement: Strategie - Instrumente - Umsetzung - Unternehmensführung [Textbook] . Wiesbaden: Gabler

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